Newcastle Trade Waste Collections - FREE QUOTE

Mixed Recycling Newcastle

Amalgamated recycling — we offer mixed recycling services to make it easy for you to deal with your waste in an environmentally-friendly manner.

A quick and easy way to recycle

Our dry mixed recycling collection service means you can put your cardboard, paper and plastic bottles all in one bin. Before we do anything, we will speak to you to learn exactly what substances you have to dispose of, what volume material you’re creating and how much space you have on site for containers. We may then advise on the most cost-effective recycling solution that will satisfy your individual requirements. To find out if we can supply a mixed recycling service in your area, contact your local depot.

Materials Recycling Facilities (MRFs)
With our network of state of the art Materials Recycling Facilities (MRFs), we’ve got the expertise and capability to sort a number of waste streams. Using automated technology we can recover a high percentage of quality recyclate that can be reprocessed into new products.

An experienced commodities dealer

Waste Newcastle is experienced in the management and trading of commodities and so can provide exceptional speeds for scrap metal collection and recycling. We can allow you to get the most from your scrap metal whether you’re a small, moderate or large size business.

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